ATTENTION EVERYONE . PREMIUM MEMBERSHIP. Those Members who have met the Qualification i.

11 Apr 2019, 00:26
ATTENTION EVERYONE !!! PREMIUM MEMBERSHIP Those Members who have met the Qualification i.e. 200 Referrals / 200 $ XBRT Purchase need to raise a SUPPORT TICKET asking us to upgrade their Memebership so as to avail additional benefits right away

Same news in other sources

CryptojacksCJ #8338
11 Apr 2019, 00:26
ATTENTION EVERYONE !!! PREMIUM MEMBERSHIP Those Members who have met the Qualification i.e. 200 Referrals / 200 $ XBRT Purchase need to raise a SUPPORT TICKET asking us to upgrade their Memebership so as to avail additional benefits right away
ATTENTION EVERYONE . PREMIUM MEMBERSHIP. Those Members who have met the Qualification i.
ATTENTION EVERYONE !!! PREMIUM MEMBERSHIP Those Members who have met the Qualification i.e. 200 Referrals / 200 $ XBRT Purchase need to raise a SUPPORT TICKET asking us to upgrade their Memebership so as to avail additional benefits right away