Great News : XBR is now available @stakecube . Wallet is on the latest version (v1. Deposits and withdraws are unlocked.
14 Aug 2018, 18:17
🤟✌️Great News : XBR is now available @stakecube .... Wallet is on the latest version (v1.0.0.0). Deposits and withdraws are unlocked. Happy staking!😉😄
Same news in other sources
1CryptojacksCJ #8338
14 Aug 2018, 18:17
RT @CryptoJacksCoin: 🤟✌️Great News : XBR is now available @stakecube .... Wallet is on the latest version (v1.0.0.0). Deposits and withdra…
RT @CryptoJacksCoin: Great News : XBR is now available @stakecube . Wallet is on the latest version (v1.
RT @CryptoJacksCoin: 🤟✌️Great News : XBR is now available @stakecube .... Wallet is on the latest version (v1.0.0.0). Deposits and withdra…